
2003年12月号(December 2003)

京都大学生協 留学生委員会
Kyoto University Co-op Foreign Students Committee
著者(Author):伏田 奈緒(Nao Fushida)

・ 場所:平安会館
・ 主催:京都府生協連盟
・ 内容:
17:00 開会式 *試食券をお渡しします
17:15 留学生によるリレートーク
18:45 各国の米料理の試食会
20:00 閉会
・ 参加費:無料
・ 申し込み方法:
・ 参加人数:70人
・ 発表国:中国、韓国、ベトナム、バングラデシュ、スイス

今年も去年と同様に、クリスマスパーティーをやります!でも残念ながら、まだ日程が決まっていないのです。ごめんなさい。なので、日程が決まり次第、ポス ター、ビラで宣伝をするのでそちらを参照してください。また、ホームページにも掲載するのでチェックしてみてください。絶対楽しいですから、みなさん、 きっと来てください。

Hi, everyone. It’s getting colder and colder, isn’t it? Be careful not to catch cold. By the way, let me introduce our plans in this month.

Rice around the World
Venue: Heian Kaikan
Orgranizer: Kyoto Prefecture Consumer’s Coop union
17:00 Opening Ceremony (*We will give you a meal coupon)
17:15 Speech by Foreign Students
18:45 Rice Tasting Event (*You cannot eat without the meal coupon)
20:00 Closing

Charge: Free
How to apply: Please send e-mail to kotaroxyz@hotmail.com with your name, e-mail address, and nationality. And if you want to come with your friends, please include their names, e-mail addresses, and nationality as well.

Number of Participants: We accept 70 applicants in order of e-mail arrival
Guests’ Countries: China, Korea, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Switzerland

We’re looking forward to your applying!!

Christmas Party
We are going to hold a Christmas party this year, too. But sorry, we haven’t decided the schedule yet. So we will make posters and fliers about the in-detpth plan as soon as possible. Also, the plans will be on our website: http://ha8.seikyou.ne.jp/home/FSC Please check it out!!
Join Us, Enjoy You
The Foreign Students Committee is always looking for new members who want to help with events and activities that promote international understanding and friendship. We really need more members from every part of the world, including Japan. Our next meeting will be on December 5th, 2003. If you would like to join us, please send e-mail for details.

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