

前期に多くの方々に参加していただいた英会話教室を、ようやく再開することができました。授業は月曜日と木曜日の18:30~20:00までの90分おこないます。月曜日はアメリカ出身の旅人兼留学生のJean Goldi Hortaさんが、木曜日はギリシャ出身で英語、英文学を専攻しているGeorgeさんが、授業を行います。





I am a 24 year-old student at Tel Aviv University, and I am in Japan as a KUINEP student. I study Philosophy and Art History. My hobbies include reading, writing, listening to music, some sports (although I haven’t played lately) and learning new things.
I am a wandering traveler, getting to know the world as my home.
From my experience, learning a new language is like learning the world again. It is discovering a new point of view, almost like a child does, but with experience and self-awareness. Learning to express yourself in a new language can also bring you to know yourself better: when you need to put things into words, and choose new words for your thoughts and feelings, you sometimes find a new sense in them.
I like to feel that, and I want to share it with others. Come talk in English about the things that interest you; come hear what interests others. Come talk, listen, learn, share, play and whatever else you can think of! We’ll do it together!

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